Sabbats in the Southern Hemisphere

Celebrating sabbats as a witch, pagan or Wiccan can be confusing if you live in the southern hemisphere, especially if you are adhering to the Neo-Pagan Wheel of the Year which has correspondences with European lore from a diverse range of cultures, including Celtic, German, Norse and even Hebrew & Christian. Generally speaking for most practitioners, some of it just doesn’t ‘gel’ if you strictly use the dates you have found in books by northern hemisphere authors.

While some southern circles do choose to follow the northern hemisphere traditions, including the direction circle is cast and the assignment of the elemental quarters, many choose to orient themselves to the seasons relevant to the land they live on. This can be even more of a trial if, for example, you are trying to celebrate the Autumn harvest when Easter symbology is running like rampant bunny rabbits in retail stores everywhere!

Here is an archive of the articles we post about our Sabbat celebrations, and general observations about the Wheel of the Year in general from a southern Neo-Pagan perspective- together with some other links and recommended texts which southern pagans attempting to ‘flip the wheel’ might find useful.

Posts on the sabbats from SCOTIF

Yule / Winter Solstice


Ostara / Spring Equinox


Litha / Summer Solstice

Lammas / Lughnasadh

Mabon / Autumn Equinox


Helpful Links

Big Wheel Keep on Turning? Jamming the Wheel into Southern Hemisphere Progressive Witchcraft
Temple of the Dark Moon – Sabbats in the Southern Hemisphere

Temple of the Dark Moon – Circling in the Southern Hemisphere
An Aussie Wytch’s Wheel of the Year – Sabbats
Caer Australis – Southern Fire Feasts
Southern Hemisphere Dates 2010-2013
Druids Down Under: Australian Seasonal Chart

Further Reading

Sunwyse – Celebrating the Wheel of the Year in Australia by Roxanne T Bodsworth
Witchcraft and Paganism in Australia by Lynne Hume
Witchcraft Theory and Practice by Ly De Angeles

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